Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Start

So I've been thinking about removing the content on this blog and restarting things. I did this mostly after reading Icycalm's A Gamer's Guide To The Internet. Everything in this blog before was an embarrassment anyways.

The new purpose of this blog is to be an online diary, since thats what they are designed for and good for.

I also cleaned up my links list, removing most of it. Project Perko stays because of his discussions on running unconventional RPG's, and talking about the narratives of CRPGs. Even though he rarely posts anymore. Rock Paper Shotgun stays for its value as a news source for computer games. I need to find some better sources for news. Sirlin's site stays because I am interested in what his card game projects may become. Insomnia stays because it is the most important gaming publication ever.

Also I changed the template layout.

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